Volunteer Visitors Program
Enriching the quality of life for elderly people living at home and in Aged Care residences.
What is the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme?
The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) matches volunteers with residents living in Aged Care Facilities, or those in receipt of a Home Care Package, to provide social support and companionship. This Australian Government initiative aims to reduce the social isolation and loneliness experienced by many older residents in our community.
Volunteer Visitor Stories - Peter and Jack.
What does this service offer?
Volunteers visit residents weekly or fortnightly to provide friendship and social support, enhance their connection to the wider community and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Visits can be spent doing many different things including, but not limited to:
having a chat over a cuppa
looking at photos, reading, crosswords, puzzles or letter writing
exploring the internet, video calling relatives or friends
watching a favourite movie, TV show or listening to music
going for a walk in the garden
visiting a local café, shops or library

Who can use this service & what does it cost?
The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme is a free service for people living in Aged Care Facilities, or people living in their own home with the support of a Home Care Package.
How can you access this service?
Anyone can refer someone to the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme, for example, referrals can come from relatives or friends, Aged Care Facility staff, Aged Care providers, doctors, or you can refer yourself if you would like an ACVVS visitor. Referrals do not need to go through My Aged Care.
Please contact us for more information and for assistance to access this service.
You can also register your interest in volunteering now by completing our online expression of interest form here >

Would you like to volunteer?
Can you spare an hour a week or a fortnight to make a difference to someone's life? Our volunteer visitors are rewarded through the sharing of a resident’s rich and interesting life and many lasting friendships are made.
Please contact us for more information or if you would like to consider becoming a volunteer. You can also register your interest in volunteering now by completing our online expression of interest form here >
Volunteer Visitor Stories.
What support do volunteer visitors receive?
Volunteer visitors are matched with residents, taking into account shared interests, hobbies, backgrounds and life experiences. Training is provided to Volunteers to ensure awareness of, and sensitivity to, the needs of residents.
Other support provided for Volunteers includes:
- Regular informal support meetings and training seminars are provided
- Reimbursement for out-of pocket expenses
- Contact with the larger Belong Blue Mountains community
- Contact and support from the ACVVS Co-ordinator

More Information
The Belong Blue Mountains Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Team can be contacted at:
Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre
81–83 Katoomba Street, Katoomba NSW 2780
Tel: 02 4782 1117
Mondays to Fridays 9:00am - 4:00pm
Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre
9 New Street, Lawson NSW 2783
Tel: 02 4759 2592
Mondays to Thursdays 9:00am - 4:00pm
Fridays 9:00am - 1:00pm
​Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre
33 Hope Street, Blaxland NSW 2774
Tel: 02 4739 1164
Tuesdays to Fridays 9:00am-4:00pm